Love the Skin You're In: A Guide to Self-Confidence and Balanced Nutrition

Welcome! I'm so happy you are here. I put together this guide with you in mind and through the blog, we will explore the journey of body confidence and mindful eating, along with meal ideas towards the end. By embracing your body and nurturing it with wholesome foods, you'll be on the path to living your healthiest & happiest life!

Read on for the 4 steps to feeling CONFIDENT in your body & developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

Embracing Your Body

Back when I was in high school and college is really when I remember having an unhealthy relationship with my body. I didn't know that's what it was at the time, but looking back, my habits were not great. I would feel insecure with acne, gaining weight and would compare myself to my friends who were skinner than me. Asking myself why I was going through this and no one else. I hit a breaking point in my life a few years out of college and knew things needed to change. I needed accountability in a coach. Once I decided to invest in myself, I lost some weight, gained energy, but I developed this confidence in my body I had never felt before. I was becoming my true self and was able to love those around me deeper (read more about my story).

The 3 things that helped me the most in embracing my body were:

  • Understanding diet culture and how to live in a state of balance rather than restriction
  • Giving myself grace, especially during setbacks
  • Surrounding myself with positive influences and prioritizing self-care

Wherever you are in your journey, be gentle with yourself while working on your goals. Don't forget to treat your body with kindness and love, it does so much for you!

Finding Movement You Enjoy

Finding workouts that resonate with you is essential for maintaining a consistent fitness routine. I remember forcing myself to do workouts I didn't enjoy just because others around me were doing them or they were the "in" thing. This will only lead to an unhealthy relationship with exercise.

Below are 4 tips to help you discover how you can have a healthy relationship with exercise and genuinely enjoying movement that aligns with your goals.

1. Shift Your Mindset

Focus on Wellness, Not Appearance. Instead of exercising solely for weight loss or appearance, emphasize the benefits to your overall health. Regular physical activity improves your overall mood and how you feel throughout the day as well as enhances energy levels and boosts cardiovascular health.

2. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body feels during and after different activities. Notice the activities that make you feel energized and fulfilled. If a particular workout leaves you feeling drained or unmotivated, it might not be the right fit for you.

3. Set Attainable Goals

Whether it’s running a certain distance or attending a certain amount of group fitness classes, having attainable goals can keep you motivated. Also can help to keep a journal or use apps to track your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can boost motivation and reinforce your commitment to regular exercise.

4. Prioritize Balance + Rest Days

Rest and recovery are crucial for your body. Schedule regular rest days to prevent burnout and allow your muscles to repair.

The Key to Balanced and Mindful Eating

Having a "healthy relationship with food" or "intuitive eating" may come off as buzz words, so another way to think of it it is mindful eating. As cliche as it may sound, I truly believe the path to going after your goals while still feeling confident in your body is through balanced and mindful eating.

1. Honor your hunger and fullness. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you are comfortably satisfied.

2. Eat slowly and chew throughly.

3. Don’t attach guilt or judgment to food choices. Every food can fit into a balanced diet.

4. Aim for 80/20 balanced eating over time (80% healthy, 20% indulging), rather than seeking perfection in every meal.

5. Prioritize whole, minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats (I like to aim for at least 20g protein per meal).

⬇ See below for a list of breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, and dessert options to keep you feeling balanced, motivated + inspired in the kitchen!

Healthy Meal Ideas to Get You Inspired


  • Protein smoothie
  • Avocado toast with turkey
  • Egg tacos
  • Greek Yogurt Parfait
  • Stovetop oatmeal/overnight oats


  • Egg salad/tuna salad/chicken salad over greens or on toast
  • Veggie wrap with hummus
  • Bowls- choose a grain, veggie, protein, and dressing
  • Salads- add greens & choice of protein, veggies, and dressing
  • Soup & salad


  • Turkey roll ups
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Nuts/dried fruit
  • Apples & peanut butter
  • Assorted snack plate- choose from any of the above!


  • Air fryer salmon with rice and broccoli
  • Stir fry with chicken and assorted veggies
  • Turkey burgers with roasted sweet potatoes
  • Sheet pan meals (add choice of protein and veggies to pan, serve up over rice/salad)
  • Breakfast for dinner (we love omelettes!)


  • Dates and peanut butter
  • Dark chocolate
  • Berries and whipped cream (sprinkled with cinnamon)
  • Freezer chocolate covered bananas/strawberries
  • No bake energy bites

If you're here, likely you are experiencing one of these struggles & I'm here to tell you, you've already taken the first step to read this blog. The next step is accountability and to admit you cannot do this alone. I couldn't and I don't expect you to - that's why I'm here!

Interested in learning more about how you can adopt healthy eating habits, build your self-confidence, and finally start taking action towards your most desired goals? Sign up for a 1:1 consultation with me today! In this session, we will go through your goals, desires, and see how I can best support you for the next 3 months.