Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

I will start by saying, it isn't always easy to be mindful in every food choice you have. There will be distractions, holidays, events, etc. However, it's important to understand how to be mindful in what you are consuming and learn ways you navigate these situations best.

The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, it often comes hand-in-hand with indulgent feasts and emotional eating triggers. I know from experience, it's entirely possible to enjoy the festivities while making mindful food choices. In my 1:1 coaching program, I take a holistic approach to nutrition and get you feeling confident in your food choices all year long!

In this Healthy Holiday Survival Guide, we'll explore some valuable tips to help you navigate through the season with grace and health in mind.

Mindful Food Choices

Plan Ahead: Before attending holiday gatherings, have a light, nutritious snack to curb your appetite. This will prevent overindulgence when you're faced with tempting treats.

Balance Your Plate: Opt for a well-balanced plate filled with lean proteins, colorful vegetables, and whole grains. This approach helps you enjoy the holiday meal without consuming excessive calories or unhealthy fats.

Healthy Swaps: Transform traditional holiday dishes into healthier versions. For instance, use whole-grain flour in baking, replace sugar with natural sweeteners like honey or stevia, and experiment with healthier fats like olive oil or avocado instead of butter.

Healthier Alternatives

Roasted Vegetables: Instead of creamy casseroles, roast your favorite vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of herbs for a flavorful, nutrient-rich side dish.

Turkey or Chicken: Choose lean protein sources like turkey or chicken over fatty meats. Remove the skin to reduce saturated fat intake.

Fruit-based Desserts: Prepare desserts with fresh fruits. Fruit salads, baked apples, or poached pears are not only delicious but also healthier alternatives to pies and cakes.

Handling Emotional Eating Triggers

Identify Triggers: Recognize situations or emotions that trigger emotional eating, such as stress, sadness, or social pressure.

Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment, especially when eating. Enjoy the flavors, textures, and aromas of your food. Mindful eating can help you distinguish between genuine hunger and emotional cravings.

Seek Support: Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist if you find emotional eating difficult to control. Having a support system can make a significant difference.

Stay Active and Hydrated

Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your holiday routine. It could be a family walk, dancing to your favorite tunes, or a quick home workout. Exercise not only burns calories but also boosts your mood and energy levels.

Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, feelings of hunger are actually signs of dehydration. Staying hydrated can also prevent excessive calorie intake from sugary beverages.

Practice Self-Compassion

Remember that the holiday season is a time to celebrate, relax, and enjoy the company of your loved ones. If you slip up and indulge in an extra piece of pie or another helping, don’t be too hard on yourself. Practice self-compassion and focus on making healthier choices in the next meal or activity.

By being mindful of your food choices, incorporating healthier alternatives, managing emotional triggers, staying active, and practicing self-compassion, you can navigate the holiday season with ease.

If you are struggling with the business and stress of the holiday season, whether around nutrition, exercise or another factor, I encourage you to sign up for an initial consultation for my 1:1 coaching program, Choosing You. In this session, we will chat all about the how you envision this season in your life and start taking action on your most desired goals BEFORE the New Year! What are you waiting for?!

Here's to a healthy, happy holiday season!
